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HomeHalal Online Business14 Best Tips: How To Create Halal Online Course (Muslims).

14 Best Tips: How To Create Halal Online Course (Muslims).

Halal online course that is engaging and relevant to your audience can sometimes seem daunting to create.

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When you create halal online course is hard to know what appeals to people in the digital space.


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5. Cleverly Get quality leads, clients and sales with Linkedin business. Click & Try Cleverly.
6. Link-Assistant (SEO). The best SEO Software to grow your business. Click & Try Link-Assistant
7. Skillshare The online learning community for people who want to learn entrepreneurship through videos. Click & Try Skillshare
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In this post, I’ll guide you step by step to successfully create your own halal online course.

Creating halal online course presents great opportunities for you.

With the market value of the eLearning industry projected to exceed $300 billion by 2024.

You definitely should get a piece of this pie.

But you need to craft your halal online course carefully, or you may end up with an online class that is irrelevant and boring.


How do I create a halal online course?

Pick a topic, make a plan, research, simplify tasks, make a work schedule and focus on results.

Also, be passionate, record the course and promote it.

Creating an engaging online course can be a fun project.

You need to find the time for it.

Develop quality content that will keep people engaged as they learn new things.

Not just facts from books.

Create something simple, but worth coming back too when there are more lessons available.


Key Factors When Creating Halal Online Course


  • Make It Relatable

This is one of the most important points to cover when developing a course.

It helps you draw in your audience.

You need to show something they don’t know much about.

But, you are also teaching them how to achieve something which make it relatable.

It’s important to include resources users can build along with you.

This way, it will not be a class on auto-pilot and rather a personal experience with the tutor.

Besides, include real-life examples so your students can relate to what they are learning.

  • Course Length

Short or long course? 

You need to decide on the course length depending on the topic.

Once someone starts an online class.

They need enough material keep them engaged throughout the course.

The amount of contents available also affects student retention rates.

If students feel like too much information has been presented.

They can drop out before finishing all sections on the course.

  • Course Type

Formal or informal teaching style? 

In a more formal environment, face to face lectures are the preferred method of teaching.

However, this does not translate very well online.

Lectures tend to bore audiences and become stifling for students when they’re trying to learn at their own pace.

It’s better to teach in an informal manner.

Where students can ask questions and receive feedback throughout the duration of the course.

Depending on how it is structured, rather than waiting until the end of each lecture period.

  • Flipped Learning Style

New or old content? 

One way that many people organise their courses is by giving students existing content.

Also, with a few extra resources specific to what they will learn during class time.

This creates anticipation for students and trainer.

It gives them a chance to settle into the class before diving right into the material during lectures.

  • The Importance of Video

Video can be an integral part of halal online course creation.

They make concepts more concrete with ability to demonstrate how something should or shouldn’t be done!

However, videos come at a cost in terms of time so you might not want to use them for every topic covered in your course.

  • The Role of Interactivity

Is it necessary to learn? 

One problem having so many educational resources online is that they tend to be very passive.

You can listen but not ask questions.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Since more and more people like the idea of “being taught.”

But, it’s important for developers to take this into consideration when developing their content.

Giving students the chance to put what they’ve learned into practice.

  • Instrumental Learning V Conceptual Learning

Instrumental learning centres around applying concepts through practical exercises.

While conceptual learning is mainly interested in understanding underlying principles.

With instrumental learning, teachers use examples from their own experiences or recorded lectures by others as part of their course.

Step by Step Guide to Create A Halal Online Course


Below are 14 best steps that will help you create a halal online course:


Step 1: Choose a topic

Choose a great topic for your course.

You need to concentrate on the course and decide what works best.

Whether you want to focus on a general topic or want to get more specific.

Choose a topic that will help you put the best foot forward.

Step 2: Make a plan

Start with brainstorming ideas on how exactly will your online course look like.

Go here and download this free report and read.

When planning a course, know some relevant technical terms so they turn into a lecture of gibberish words.

Keep in mind that you’re creating an online training.

People who are going to take this lesson don’t have the opportunity of asking questions.

Try to make your teaching as clear and simple as possible.


Step 3: Research

Create an outline or list of topics you want to cover.

You can either write it down, prepare graphics or create a slide show.

Keep in mind that your audience should be able to understand your point.

If they will miss some slides, ensure you have all the info on each slide prepared beforehand.

Step 4: Simplify tasks

Think about how much time will an average student need to learn a topic.

The advice would be between 1 hour and 3 hours per week, depending on the topic and difficulty.

In order not to get overwhelmed with tons of tasks, try converting them into small steps.

This way, students aren’t overwhelmed by the idea of completing such a course.

Step 5: Work schedule

Create a schedule for each task.

It’s essential to understand when you will start doing something.

You can plan your time well in advance.

After creating an online course, you should follow up with the students.

It is important to stay in touch with them during the entire process.

Step 6: Focus on results

Figure out how much effort will be needed from your students.

A great practice is inviting people who have already made similar courses or gave their lectures online.

Let them share their experience on the topic and provide tips on how they achieved such results.

Find out as much numbers as you can, hours they spent on a course, how much money they earned, and more.

Step 7: Recording course audio

Do you want to keep the audio part of your online lecture or not?

You need to make that decision first.

Some successful online courses don’t have any audio in them.

But, some instructors prefer it.

In case you do decide to include an audio part into your training.

Also, make it available in written form so students know what exactly will be read out loud!


Step 8: Passion

Create a topic based on the one you’re already good at or just love doing.

Halal online courses are great when focused on a niche topic you are most interested in.

For example, if you’re great at knitting or baking cakes and love it.

Making a course on it will help you share this passion with others.

People who are passionate about something usually do it better than ones who just try to teach what they don’t really care about.


Step 9: Video

Consider sharing your knowledge to the world through YouTube or other video streaming platforms.

You can even organise live training for your course.

The approach is different, but one thing remains constant.

You can earn money from teaching other people what you know.

Step 10: Creativity

Be yourself!

Your personality is one of the biggest assets when creating a good online course and attracting more students.

Don’t be afraid to show your creativity!

Add halal images and use different colours.

The idea is to make your course more attractive than similar courses available.

Step 11: Get right equipment

Invest your time and money into using good equipment like a decent microphone with a pop filter.

You need to give clear instructions with no background noise.

Create visuals for your students to see what you’re trying to explain.

You can use video streaming sites or record everything with a webcam.

People will follow you as if they are in front of you.

Step 12: Promote your course

Promote your online training.

How will people find your course if they don’t know that it even exists?

The best way to spread the word is via social media networks.

Step 13: Add mentors

Invite people who have already created great online courses to join you as mentors.

There will always be someone to assist you with making your course better or provide tips.

Also, if your mentors are leading experts in this field.

They can partner with you through joint- ventures.

Which also means more money for each student you attract.

Step 14: Expert status

Promote yourself as an expert in the industry.

By doing this, you will gain some authority and credibility.

The more successful students feel free to share their experiences with others.

It helps word of mouth to spread.

The more people will trust you and your halal online courses.


Pricing Your Online Course

Pricing courses can be tricky.

If you’re not sure how much your content is worth?

It would be helpful to take a look at what other people are charging in the industry.

There will always be some discrepancy due to factors such as length and complexity of course material.

But, if there’s no premium course that students admire.

Then, you must not overprice yourself!

To find out what others charge across various markets.

Research sites in your field to get price comparisons between similar products.

This may give you insight into whether or not to set higher prices for a course.


What is halal online course?

Halal online course is a module or instructional way of acquiring new knowledge or skill online that’s acceptable in Islamic Shariah.

The course is delivered either as a paid service or free access by experts or educational establishments.

Halal online course can be designed in written document, video, audio, webinar or email delivery.

Also, it must be ethical, legit and free from all Islamic prohibitions.


Is online course profitable for muslims?

Yes. Online courses are incredibly profitable for muslims course creators.

There’s so much demand for digital courses and opportunity for beginners too.

In fact, there so many people making a full time living online selling courses or recommending other people’s products.


What are the best halal online courses?

The best halal online courses are those created by top-experts and includes blogging, affiliate marketing, podcasting, email marketing, consulting, video making and social media.

My best decision was investing in digital marketing and getting a coach.


What are the best halal training materials?

Halal training materials for learning are internet, computer, a workbook guide and video web class.

Trainers should ensure students have accountable partners for their projects.



There are many things to consider when planning a successful halal online course.

This stems from content you want and how it will be delivered to your audience.

However, the most important thing is researching into the type of course.

Also, learning about existing competitors in the market.

You need a great idea, develop it and then publish the final product for your students.

All of these steps require hard work and leading you to a success.

If you’d like help with any of the halal online course creation?

Click here and download this free report.

I offer all kinds of tools you can use as a new starter.

Also, you will have extensive training from my own mentors.

A detailed instructions, you need for building an amazing online course.


Additional Further Useful Articles


12 Best Tips: How To Start A Halal Parenting Blog


Mr Ceesay
Mr Ceesay
Foday Ceesay is the founder of Muslim Entrepreneurs Hub part of F Ceesay Digital Limited Company. He's also a Muslim Content Writer for Entrepreneurs, B2B and B2C. Foday is based in the United Kingdom. Have a question or need help? Contact Email:



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