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HomeHalal Online Business53+Best Halal Side Hustles Muslims Can Start (Latest Tools).

53+Best Halal Side Hustles Muslims Can Start (Latest Tools).

Halal side hustles are the surest ways to get ahead and control your destiny.

Most halal side hustles can be started without leaving your day job.

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In this post, you will discover the best halal side hustles you can start.


Halal Home Business Halal Home Biz

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Halal Side Hustles And Latest Business Tools


Tools Features/Benefits Visit Website
1. Dreamhost Beginner friendly for website domain + hosting. Click & Try Dreamhost
2. 99 Designs Awesome place for freelance designers. Click & Try 99 Designs
3. Udacity Study to become a software and app developer. Click & Try Udacity
4. iPro VPN One of the best and fastest VPN service provider. Click & Try iProvpn
5. Bluejeans The most amazing video tool for business. Click & Try Bluejeans
6. Cleverly Build your business with high-paying clients on Linkedin. Click & Try Cleverly
7. Oomo Office The tool that makes your business better. Click & Try Ooma Office
8. Link-Assistant SEO Rank your website with the best SEO tool in the game. Click & Link-Assistant
9. Canva Pro A software for designing logos, social media posts and videos. Click & Try Canva Pro
10. Bubble Too for creating your first App. Click & Try Bubble
11. Foto The best photo editing tool for business. Click & Try Foto
12. Close The must have CRM tool you need! Click & Try Close
13. Big Commerce Build your online store fast. Click & Try Big Commerce
14. ShareASale The best company for affiliate marketing. Click & Try ShareAsale
15. Outgrow The easiest and best content marketing tool. Click & Try Outgrow
16. Omnisend The email marketing software that brings great ROI Click & Try Omnisend
17. Skillshare The online learning platform to get digital skills for serious entrepreneurs. Click & Try Skillshare
18. Jarsper The best writing software for bloggers, creators and entrepreneurs. Click & Try Jarsper
19. BuzzSPROUT The only Podcasting tool for winners. Click & Try BuzzSPROUT
20. Tailwind The best tool for social media marketing automation. Click & Try Tailwind
21. BT Business Broadband The best broadband + phone deals for muslims to achieve their dreams. Click & Try BT Broadband
22. Dell The latest refurbished laptop/desktop/monitor deals. Click & Try Dell

Highest Paying Halal Online Side Hustles


1 Start A Blog

Blogging is a profitable halal side hustle you can start part time.

You don’t even have to quit your day job.

You start your blog on 123 Reg


2. Halal Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is where you promote a company or product/service and earn commission.

There are thousands of affiliate networks you can join and promote.

Search “affiliate programme+ your niche/industry”

For example Zyro has a Theme and Page Builder to create a blog or website.


3. Sell Online Course

The online course market is a multi-billion dollar industry still growing due to Covid.

There is so much demand for online courses and it is lucrative for digital marketers.

You can learn, create and sell courses


4. Freelancing

The best way to generate a side hustle income is to start freelancing and charge for your expertise.

You can register as a freelancer online.

You can sell website design service, logo, writing and Ebook creation.


5. Consulting

If you have any type of expertise, you can create your own consulting side hustle.

People need help in solving their personal and business problems.

You can make halal money as a consultant.

The best part, you can start this side hustle business for very little money.

All you would really need is a website domain and hosting.


6. Sell Domains Online

If you are not selling domains, you are leaving money on the table for others.

A domain is the name of your website/Blog.

The best place to buy and sell domains as a side hustle your own site.


7. Proofreading and Editing Online

Thousands of businesses and students are always looking for proofreaders to edit their work.

You can start a side hustle as a proofreader and make halal income.


8. E-commerce

Most business transactions take place online.

E-commerce is a multi-billion profitable industry like Amazon.

You can make halal income from your online store.

Stay away from dropshipping business model.


9. Membership Site

Membership site is a subscription paid service website.

You get paid by users monthly to access your information.

You can build a membership site in any niche like muslims seeking marriage.


10. Video Maker

Start making videos as a side hustle for extra-income.

Help local business owners to promote their business halal on YouTube.

You can shoot marketing videos and make money.


11. App Design

Almost every entrepreneur is looking to build an app.

You can start your website helping people create apps.

Then, advertise your service and outsource work to app developers.


12. Email Marketing

Email marketing marketing is the key to online business success.

You need an email marketing tool to grow your online side hustle.

The best email marketing software:

Constant Contact


13. Tutoring

Tutoring is a service you can start without capital.

There’s high demand for tutors online in various topics.

It’s about sharing your expertise for a side income.


14. Landing Page Design

Make $105 by referring people to Constant Contact.

You can create beautiful landing pages at Constant Contact to build email subscribers.

For example, once you start using Constant Constant as a customer.

You can join their affiliate programme to refer people and earn a side income.

1000 referral sales x $105= $105,000 as your commission.


15. Virtual Assistant

Get paid as a virtual assistant helping companies.

Virtual assistant jobs includes database management, customer service and much more.

You can earn halal online as a virtual assistant from home.


16. Podcasting

You can launch your own Podcasting service as a side hustle.

There are few muslims doing podcasting online.

The key is to maintain consistency and build your audience.


17. Sell Web Hosting Service

Glowhost is a great place to register your blog/website.

Also, you can launch your own side hustle selling web hosting online.

You can promote your web hosting service to digital marketers and businesses.


18. Publish Ebook For Profit

Ebook sells more online than physical books.

The demand for Ebooks is huge online.

Start a 25 page Ebook and sell it online for profit.


19. Buy and Sell Websites

Do you know some website sells for $100,000 or more online?

There are people buying and selling websites because is profitable.

You can build a niche website and sell it for extra-income.


20. Powerpoint Presentation

Teach people about PowerPoint presentation strategies and make income.

You can make cool designs for professionals and business owners.

It is easier to launch this as a side income.


21. Online Personal Trainer

If you are a fitness instructor, you can start a halal side hustle online.

Teach people the best ways to get fit and make money

You can also share nutritional tips for a healthy body.


22. Start A YouTube


Learn how to create a YouTube Channel and build a profitable business.

You can charge $1000 to set up YouTube Channels for business owners.

YouTube is one of the most visited websites in the world.


23. Online Events Side Income

Clickmeeting is a tool for delivering online events.

You can launch a side hustle organising events.

Clickmeeting is one of the best ways to sell products online.


24. Create A Private Facebook Group

Facebook is prioritising groups and awesome for a side hustle.

Build a Facebook Group and share useful tips.

Once, you have more members recommend product offers.


25. Lead Generation

Start a lead generation side hustle.

Help companies get a lead and charge for your service.

You can make good income from your lead generation.


26. Create A Plugin

A plugin is a device that improves the functionality of a website on WordPress.

You can create a Plugin and earn a side income.

Find a problem and solve it by creating a WordPress Plugin.


27. T-Shirt Side Business

Selling a halal T-Shirt online can be a good source of income.

You can create an online store selling a halal T-Shirt.

Add inspirational messages to sell more T-Shirts.


28. Sell Recipes Online

Do you have secret food recipes?

Well, you can sell it online for passive income.

Just create a PDF report, build a simple website and add PayPal.

People buy almost everything online.


29. Mailing Lists Broker

Start a mailing list business as a joint venture broker.

There are people who wants to rent a mailing list.

You can bring the list owners, and buyers together and make your profit.


30. Start SEO Agency

You can start Search Engine Optimisation business ranking websites in the Search Engines.

Attract clients and charge them for your service.

You can hire SEO experts to handle your projects as a side business.


31. Online Travel Agency

You need a travel agency website.

Then join travel affiliate programmes to promote airlines.

You can sell flights, hotel rooms and vacation deals.


32. Online Halal Ads For Small Business

Helping small business with their halal ads campaign is a great side hustle.

You need a website to display your services.

And a way to accept bookings online.


33. Online Magazine Editor

You can become a Magazine Editor online.

A great grasp of the English language is required.

You can sell your service online using a freelancing platform.


34. Discount Deals Site

Build a discount deals website for your local city.

Contact local business owners and charge a fee to place their deals.

You can make good money from your site as a side hustle.


35. Online Translator

Are you fluent in a language?

You can help people online as a translator and earn money.

In fact, you can help hospitals, police and prisons with your service.


36. Video Editing

Bloggers, YouTubers and Podcasters are always looking for video editors.

You can sell your service online as a video editor.

This is easy to start by working from home using a video editing software.


40. Content Marketing

Are you a good writer?

Chances are you are not charging a top dollar for your skill.


You can help write website contents, articles and blogs.

Some bloggers are happy to pay $150 for a single article.


Highest Paying Offline Halal Side Hustles


41. Direct Sales Representative

Being a local sales rep for company such as Avon is a great way to start your own side hustle.

Most of the starter kits from these companies cost around $100.

The kits provide everything that you need to sell the products.

You can either host parties to sell your products or sell the items online.


42. Senior Home Companion

You can help seniors with light housework, shopping and rides to the doctor.

In fact, you don’t really need to invest much money in this type of business.

All you really need is a reliable vehicle and a small advertising budget.

As you get more clients, you will make more money.


43. Auto Repair or Auto Detailing

You can start your own auto repair business.

If you don’t have a garage, it’s not a problem.

You can start a mobile repair side hustle.

As your business takes off, you will have money to rent a garage.

You can do the same thing with auto detailing.

Promote your business using ads to attract new clients.


44. Handyman

If you are handy around the house, you should consider starting a handyman business.

This business is great because all you need is a toolbox.

To advertise your business, you can post a flier on the bulletin board at your local grocery store or library.

You can also create a Facebook page for your business and pass out business cards.

If you do a good job for a few customers, word of mouth will help your side hustle to grow.


45. House Sitter

A career as a house sitter doesn’t require a start-up fee.

You need to spend a bit on advertising to get your name out there.

However, once you have clients, you can start making money.


46. Lawn Care

You should consider starting your own lawn care side hustle.

If you have a home, chances are that you already have a lawn mower, hedge clippers, and rakes and shovels.

All you need to do is spend money for advertising.


47. House Cleaning Service

Starting your own cleaning service is a great way to make money.

You can perform window cleaning, carpet cleaning, as well as property or commercial cleaning.

Choose a local area and dominate your market.


48. Catering Service

Do you love cooking?

You can start your own catering service.

If you are good, word of mouth alone is sure to bring clients.


49. Resume Writing Service

Many people don’t know how to write a great resume.

In many cases, a bad resume will keep a person from getting the job they want.

You can start a side hustle doing resume writing service.

People will pay as much as $100 for a high quality resume.


50. Event or Party Planner

Make good money as an event or a party planner.

You can hand out your business cards to guests at the party that you are planning.

After you have a few successful parties under your belt, the money should start rolling in.


51. Home Daycare

If you love kids, you can set up a home daycare.

You would need to invest money to get the proper permits.

Once the daycare is up and running, you can charge per hour to care for children.


52. Moving & Packing

Most people hate to move and they hire a moving company.

Unfortunately, many moving companies don’t have packing services.

You can start a packing service as a side hustle.


53. Laundry and Ironing Service

If you have a washer and dryer in your home, you can start your own laundry and ironing service.

Many people hire someone do their laundry, because they just don’t have the time.

You can pick up your clients’ laundry for a fee.


What is a halal side hustle?

A halal side hustle is the income you earn outside your normal 9-5 job and free from haram.

It can be online and offline business, without selling pork, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling or anything prohibited by Islam.


What is the easiest halal side hustle?

The easiest halal side hustles are online businesses that don’t require high capital to start.

Also, it should not demand your time to be physically present to manage the business.


What are the most profitable halal side hustles?

The most profitable halal side hustles are affiliate marketing, blogging, online courses, consulting, freelancing and coaching.



Halal side hustles can help you become your own boss.

We discussed so many different ways to start halal side hustles online and offline.


Action Tip:

To help you launch your side hustle.

I recommend you go ahead and download this free report by clicking here.

Once you create your website or blog, the sky is the limit for you.


Additional Popular Articles To Read

19 Best Profitable Halal Jobs For Muslim Sisters


Mr Ceesay
Mr Ceesay
Foday Ceesay is the founder of Muslim Entrepreneurs Hub part of F Ceesay Digital Limited Company. He's also a Muslim Content Writer for Entrepreneurs, B2B and B2C. Foday is based in the United Kingdom. Have a question or need help? Contact Email:


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