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HomeHalal Online Business14 Tips: How To Start A Halal Social Media Marketing Agency

14 Tips: How To Start A Halal Social Media Marketing Agency

You can start a halal social media marketing agency and work with brands from home.

Are you planning to start a halal social media marketing agency?

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The Best Tools You Need To Start A Halal Social Media Marketing Agency

Halal Social Media Marketing Agency Tools Benefits/Features Visit Website
1. Tailwind Launch a halal social media agency.

Generate leads, sales and income.

Affordable price.
Click & Try Tailwind.
2. SiteGround Get your social media agency Domain +Web hosting.

Faster speed + SSL Certificate.

WordPress installation.
Click & Try SiteGround
3. Fiverr Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers.

Hire website designers for your social media agency.

All gigs begins with $5.
Click & Try Fiverr
4. Bluejeans Make 1080p videos for social media marketing.

High engaging quality videos.

Work anywhere in the world.
Click & Try Bluejeans
5. BuzzSPROUT Easy Podcast tool.

Promote your Podcast on social media.

Get followers and clients.
Click & Try BuzzSPROUT
6. Squirrly SEO for socia media agency.

Rank higher on Google.

Get organic clients.
Click & Try Squirrly
7. Outgrow Content marketing for social media managers.

Affordable plans.

Grow your business with your content marketing
Click & Try Outgrow
8. LearnWorlds Start monetising your skills.

Get business skills.

Create and sell courses.
Click & Try LearnWorlds
9. Jarsper Create blog posts.

Marketing copy to sell online.

Affordable plans.
Click & Try Jarsper
10. Grasshopper Attract local clients with phone systems.

Have your own local numbers.

Reach more new clients.
Click & Try Grasshopper
11. Monday Project management tool for social media.

Collaborate with with teams.

Affordable plans
Click & Try
12. Jobber Get new leads locally.

Build connections.

Scale your business fast.
Click & Try Jobber
13. 48 Hours Logo Create stunning Logos.

Improve your design skills.

Make your business professionally.
Click & Try 48 Hours Logo
14. BT Business Broadband Get BT Business broadband for social media.

Affordable plans.

Phone deals for business.
Click & Try BT Broadband
15. Dell Laptop + Desktops for business.

Save money with Dell deals.

Get monitor and monitor accessories.
Click & Try Dell
16. Constant Contact Email marketing tool for social media managers.

Automation + cheaper plans.

Build an email list of buyers.
Click & Try Constant Contact


In this post, I’ll show you how to become a halal social media marketing agency manager.

Today, ordinary individuals had started digital marketing businesses using social media.


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You can start your own halal social media marketing agency from your kitchen table.

Also, there’s no boss hovering over your shoulders giving you instructions.


There is unlimited halal income avenues for muslims.

It is a great time to witness the social media revolution taking place.

Besides, I can tell you for sure that online advertising isn’t as easy as it sounds!

Therefore, it’s important to educate yourself on how to go about social media marketing.


How To Start A Halal Social Media Marketing Agency

You need to choose a halal social media niche, social media business name, analyse social ad performance, build a social media brand and create your social media website.


14 Tips To Start Your Own Halal Social Media Agency:


Step 1: Choose A Halal Social Media Niche

Choosing a niche is crucial in starting a halal social media marketing agency.

You’ll want to choose something that you are passionate about.

Choose a market you can be part of for the next 25 years.

Go go for a niche that interests you and where you have more knowledge about.


Step 2: Social Media Business Name

Now that, you already selected a halal social media a niche.

It’s time to give your social media agency business an awesome name.

Also, ensure you do some research on the domain as well.

It’s best to have a dotcom domain name.

A dotcom name makes your site more relevant and authoritative.

So, choose a name that is short and catchy.

This is the first thing people will see on social media.

You can also use a keyword in your halal social media business agency.

Make the name relatable to your social media niche.


Step 3: Build A Social Media Brand

Branding is an important aspect of running a halal social media agency.

This is a very critical in attracting clients and maintaining their retention.

Make your social media business branding for clients to hire you.

You can use social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to build a brand.

Give yourself a chance for people to like and follow you.

The brand you create could last for the rest of your life.


Step 4: Analyse Social Ad Performance

As a social media marketing agency, you will analyse the Ad performance of your business for clients.

This is a skill that some muslim social media marketers are not learning.

Therefore, if you learn this from the start, it will save you time.

You can get free training from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.

You can also get additional social media marketing software tools online.

As a social media marketing manager, you will check data like Ad testing campaigns, traffic and conversions.


Step 5: Create Your Social Media Website

Building your website helps you find clients.

The first impression they want to see is your services on offer.

How much you charge and contact information?

When you setting your pricing, compare it with competitors in your niche.


Step 6: Online Reputation Management

Clients like to dig into all sorts of digital prints on social media.

You have to clean the mess first, before starting your halal social media agency.

Add an impressive profile on your social media platforms.

Go the extra-mile to make clients eager to work with you.

At this stage, you should be posting about your services on social media.

Build a good online presence by engaging with your followers.

Also, give incentives and coupons for new clients hiring you.


Step 7: Work With Affiliates

When you complete the prior steps mentioned earlier.

It’s time to invite affiliates to help you grow your halal social media agency.

It’s best to work with a reputable affiliate network.

Affiliates can promote your social media marketing agency for a commission.

Also, affiliates can boost your growth on social media sites and bring new clients.


Step 8: Have Social Media Testimonials

Social media testimonials can help you attract more leads and sales.

You need to ask clients to leave honest testimonials about your service.

Customers would love to hear what other people have said about your business.

Testimonials and reviews can help you land clients with large budgets.

However, you should not hide negative reviews.

A halal business is based on honesty.


Step 9: Work With Freelancers

Now that you have enough clients in your social media agency.

Start hiring social media influencers to help you out.

They will work with you to keep your agency profitable.

Also, you can have freelancers perform your difficult tasks.

This may depend on things like social media service and sales.

Hiring freelancers is cost-effective for a social media marketing manager.

Freelancers can manage your clients Ads and analyse data.


Step 10: Start Selling Social Media Services

You should start selling and marketing your social media marketing agency.

I recommend that, you don’t wait for clients to find you.

It works the other way around.

You need to be proactive and go out and market your services.

This is also a great way to increase your online presence and acquire clients.

You can also get referrals from your loyal clients.


Step 11: Social Media Time Management

Growing a halal social media marketing agency and dealing with clients takes time.

You should have a system of monitoring your projects.

Without proper time management in your agency.

You will struggle to handle assignments on time for completion.

Also, it will affect the amount of income the agency can generate consistently.

You should ensure that, you are getting enough sleep.


Step 12: Publishing Content

Once you have analysed performance and your competition.

The next step will be creating content for your social media agency website.

You need to create content regularly and share it online.

Publishing content is one area that most social media managers get complacent.

Writing and sharing your content will give you more website visitors.

It will help you get leads, sales and increase your return on investment (ROI).

Content writing must be a priority in your business.

You also need a content calendar for your social medial marketing agency.


Step 13: Competent Staff Members

Another part of a social media marketing agency is hiring staff.

You’ll need employees who are competent doing their social marketing duties.

It is not easy finding and attracting good employees.

Who are willing to put in the extra work for a small new social agency. 

You should use online job boards, recruitment agencies and staff recommendations within your niche.


Step 14: Analyze Social Media Agency Competition

Do you know your social media competitors?

Every social media agency has a competitor regardless of location.

It’s your responsibility to find more about your competition.

Look for their pricing, website, advertising methods and content marketing.

You need to arm yourself with data and use it to position your social media agency.


What is a halal social media marketing Agency?

Social media marketing is the leveraging of social media websites to promote and sell a halal product or service for income.

For muslims, the product or service must meet Shariah requirements without any deceptions, fraud and exploitations.

Also, the item must not include prohibitions such as cigarettes, gambling, pork or alcohol.


Is it hard to start a halal social media marketing agency?

Yes. Social media marketing is always hard for someone new when starting.

You need to to learn how to create halal advertising, promotional ad creatives, analyse data and working within a budget.

Once you get the hang of everything, then running a social media agency becomes easier for you.


Can beginners start halal social media marketing?

Yes. Beginners or anyone can start a halal social media marketing agency.

Also, beginners should get a coach and social media marketing training to start their own agency.

Social media marketing is a crowded space and you need to know what you are doing for clients hiring you.


Is social media haram?

Social media platforms are not haram for Muslims.

It is a great place to share positive side of Islam and invite people through Dawah activities.

However, engaging in gossips, uploading indecent images, music, selling fake items, making false libels about people and anything that goes against Shariah is haram.


Is it haram to post pictures on social media?

Yes, it is haram to post pictures with hijab on Social Media.

It is better to keep your beauty to your husband and protect yourself from temptations of evildoers.

They can alter your image to nudity and bring shame on you and family.






In this post, I revealed to you step by step method to start a halal social media agency.

Social media marketing agency is not going to fizzle out soon.

Therefore, you should leverage the existing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

If you continue to waste time, everything will leave you behind.

Action Tip:

My role as a friend is to guide you into action Click Here.


More Awesome Articles To Read.


How To Start A Profitable Halal Online Coaching (Best Tools).


Mr Ceesay
Mr Ceesay
Foday Ceesay is the founder of Muslim Entrepreneurs Hub part of F Ceesay Digital Limited Company. He's also a Muslim Content Writer for Entrepreneurs, B2B and B2C. Foday is based in the United Kingdom. Have a question or need help? Contact Email:


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