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HomeHalal Online Business9 Halal Online Passive Income Ideas (Best Tools For Muslims).

9 Halal Online Passive Income Ideas (Best Tools For Muslims).

Halal online passive income opportunities for muslims.

Would you like to earn halal online passive income?

You can make a halal online passive income from home.

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The best halal online passive income opportunities guide with tools.


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A step-by-step guide to a halal passive income opportunity for a beginner:


1. Halal online passive income from blogging

If you want to generate halal passive income, blogging is the quickest way to do it!

Muslim bloggers are on the rise, because it is a very lucrative business.

The passive income through blogging has allowed many to stop exchanging time for money.

For example, as a travel blogger.

You can set up a WordPress blog and share your experience with readers.

You can earn halal online from sponsored posts, affiliate products, courses and mentoring.


Where should I start my blog?

SiteGround is one of the best hosting companies.

You can register the domain name of your blog and hosting.

All newbies selling online you should have a website.


2. Passive income from online courses

You can sell halal online courses and make passive income.

Online courses demand is high because of lockdown.

You can create online courses for people on a particular topic.

It’s also not hard to build a community around your niche.

You can set up a Facebook page or even a podcast.

And reach out to people looking for online classes.

I recommend you build online courses with:



3. Passive halal income from Freelancing

You can use outsourcing online marketplace Fiverr for freelancers.

A platform where, people offer services.

You can set your fees for the service.

However, you can add upsells to charge a higher price for gigs.

If you don’t have money, start side hustling and sell stuff.


4. Halal Passive income from Web design

With 7 out of 10 business have a website.

Front-end web development is a great skill needed to meet demand for new websites.

Besides, you can build a passive income creating a website for new business owners.

For example, you could charge people $1000 for a website.

Then, find someone to build the site for $100.

Also, you could use a website builder to make a beautiful site.

I suggest you get an awesome page builder today.

5. Passive income from affiliate marketing

The most profitable halal passive income business in the world.

With affiliate marketing, you make a commission by promoting a halal product or service.

If you want to earn more money, it is important to research your products.

The product you promote online should be something you know.

Also, something that you believe is beneficial to people.

The correct way to promote affiliate products is from your own website.

I recommend you get a domain and hosting for your affiliate marketing.


6. Podcasting halal passive income

If you want to become the most sought-after expert in your field?

A podcasting requires commitment and consistency.

Podcasting has witnessed a meteoric rise.

Back in 2006, only 22% of adults in the U.S. listened to podcasts.

Muslim entrepreneurs can profit from this thriving online business.

You can start a halal podcasting by investing in software and equipment.

Also, you would need a place to host your podcast and distribute online.


7. Passive income niche site

Building a halal passive income is the right path to financial freedom.

You can get readers, who are willing to read about the subject you are passionate.

There are people building passive income entirely on niche websites.

But, you need to grow your niche site.

Research for your niche site domain and hosting online.


8. Airbnb passive income

Airbnb is beating big hoteliers in their own game.

Airbnb is an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals.

You can rent your space by listing your property on Airbnb.

It has become a go-to place for muslim homeowners to earn halal passive online income.


9. Social media passive income

Some employees are rebranding themselves as social media managers.

Since there are billions of people on social media platforms.

It’s natural that there are jobs and businesses to be sprung from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

You can learn about social media management from YouTube.

Then, start a halal passive income helping small business owners and brands.


9. Buy and sell domains

When you register your website and hosting with a reputable company.

You get the chance to start selling and buying domains for passive income.

Although, it is optional and is highly profitable to supplement your income.

You can find domains customers are likely to search and buy.

Then register and sell it back online from a website.

Google Trends is the perfect source to see what is trending online.

Invest in the domain and hosting plan for a side hustle.


What is a passive income?

Passive income is the income that, you earn online without having to be physically at work.

However, most passive income ideas require you to do the early work upfront.

Before the business gets profitable.

It is possible to turn a laptop as your paymaster.

You can travel the world and enjoy life.


Is passive income halal online?

Yes. Passive income is halal online for Muslims.

It also depends on the type of business you are running as a passive income.

All of your business activities must pass Islamic sharia without causing harm.


How can I make my income halal?

You can make halal income by avoiding ambiguity in your business dealings, no bribery and fraud related activities.


What are the haram online passive income?

Haram online passive income includes gambling, running online brothels, selling pork, alcohol, music, drug dealing, cigarettes, drawings of human and animals.


How can I start halal online passive income?

You need to decide the type of business to set online for a passive income, have a business plan, capital to run the business and building a website for your niche.


How To Promote Halal Online Passive Income Opportunity?


Marketing of your halal passive income opportunity has been made easier than before.

You can attract larger clients fast.

With the internet and online marketing campaigns.

The results can be very impressive because of the good ROI!


Below are the steps to promote your halal online passive income opportunity:


Website Ads

You can promote your halal passive income using a website.

People can visit your site where they will find offers to buy.

You can capture leads and send them promotional offers at a discount.


Use free online directories

There are tons of popular free directories to advertise locally.

A prospective customer could land on your advertising while searching an online local directory.

Once they click the link, everything get forwarded to your site products/service page.

It is also like your mini yellow pages, but existing online through Google sponsored Ads or Bing.

Online directories are best innovative tools to market a halal passive income opportunity.


Write online reviews

In the Islamic Sharia, every business transaction must be legit without any form of deception.

Most people like to read reviews before buying online.

This is because online positive reviews left by customers can help you get more passive incomes.

Moreover, you can also ask customers to leave honest reviews online about the products when satisfied.  


Social media

You should promote your halal online passive income business on Facebook.

And also, Instagram.

Everyday millions access social media for trending news and product offers.

Before, Facebook was only a social platform for students and others to keep up with one another.

Now, the use of Facebook is a social network for promotions and marketing.

That business owners and online marketers are using to increase brand awareness. 



You should use Search Engine Optimisation to promote your business.

SEO can drive more targeted visitors to your site.

Google wants to help entrepreneurs rank higher with their keywords in search.

SEO is effective for helping clients find your products/service.

It is great to add keywords in a content, optimise pages as well as inbound links.


Online paid advertising

If you have the budget, paid online advertising should be a priority.

To have clients visiting your site quicker, you can pay for online ads.

Halal paid ads are awesome for promoting passive income products and services.

You can also make a nice a profit, increase clients and loyal fans. 


Email marketing:

Learn to take advantage of email marketing to sell more products.

If you want a passive income, use email marketing in all your campaigns.

First, you have to build an email list using a lead magnet.

The email delivery must be exceptionally good!

Secondly, you need to create a landing page.

This is easy to build when you have a paid landing page.



YouTube can help you reach more people.

Today, many individuals and businesses are using Youtube to scale.

If you want to make halal income, start making good Youtube videos helping people.

But, you can’t promote haram or join their revenue sharing for Ads.

Hence, you can’t control certain haram ads.

The key is to send audience to your website for halal offers.



Mobile phones are the most effective way to reach your clients.

You can make halal passive income through mobile ads.

More people are using mobile online to buy items.

You can develop a mobile app to sell your offers. 


Frequently asked questions:

If you want to grow your passive halal online income, you need to create a FAQ page.

You need to post new contents for customer. 

The information that you post online must be related to customer questions.

You should answer questions with your products/service as solution. 



In this blog post, I gave you various ways to make a halal online passive income.

If you want to change your life, start a halal online passive income business.

You should start by registering your domain and hosting today.


Action Tip:

To avoid your procrastination, just take one big action step!

Additional Articles To Read:

14 Tips; How To Start A Halal Social Media Marketing Agency

Mr Ceesay
Mr Ceesay
Foday Ceesay is the founder of Muslim Entrepreneurs Hub part of F Ceesay Digital Limited Company. He's also a Muslim Content Writer for Entrepreneurs, B2B and B2C. Foday is based in the United Kingdom. Have a question or need help? Contact Email:


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