Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHalal Small Business23 Tips: How To Start A Halal Food Takeaway Business 2024

23 Tips: How To Start A Halal Food Takeaway Business 2024

Start a halal takeaway business and build a six-figure income in 2024!

Are you ready to start a halal takeaway business?

You can easily start a halal takeaway in your town and quickly get clients.


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In today’s modern age of technology and apps, its lucrative to start a halal takeaway business.


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In this post, we’re going to discuss the best ways to start a halal food takeaway business and make money.



Let’s jump in!


The Must Have Halal Food Takeaway Business Tools


Below are some of best halal food takeaway business tools for a beginner:


Hostinger (Web Hosting)

Get 40% off with Hostinger Web Hosting.

Start and quickly build your new passive income AI Website.



TubeBuddy (YouTube AI SEO)

Build your YouTube Channel & get subscribers with TubeBuddy.



Skillshare (Best Online Learning Platform)

Get mentored by world’s best digital marketers.



Squirrly ( AI SEO Marketing Tool)

Rank your business website higher on Google.



Tailwind (Social Media)

Tailwind is great AI software for social media marketing.



Nextiva (Communication)

All your business communication needs.




ZenBusiness (Business Registration)

Great for registering your Company LLC, Sole Trader & More.



There’s so much demand for takeaway service and more Muslims should venture into the culinary field.


How Do I Start A Halal Takeaway Business For Profit


You need to choose your field of takeaway, location, know your competition, acquire start up money, suppliers and licenses.


Here are 23 of the best tips to get you started on the takeaway business:


1. Choose your field of takeaway


It is essential first to know what you will be selling to people.

There are different varieties of food to choose from.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.

Go for something unique, but will still get the needed attention from people.

Look at the current trends.

For example, most people are going for healthy living now.

That means organic foods and locally grown materials.

You could go that route or the more traditional food like chips or chicken.

Choose what best suits your company profile. 


2. Choose a location


People tend to think the location is about the setting.

But, it is more than just that!


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


Scanning for a location involves you looking for what other structures are there.

Is there a school?

Because students can pop in after their classes.



If there is a corporate firm, then the employees can have their lunch or breaks at the restaurant.

You should also choose a place that has all the essential resources like security and transport access.


3. Scan for competition


This goes hand in hand with location scouting.

For you to set up the business, you first need to study competition in your niche.



Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.

Do they have the same menu as you do?

And if they do, what will make yours different from them?



When you scan for competition, you also have to consider their prices, so you do not overprice or sell yourself short.

When it comes to location, look for restaurants near yours that do the same service.

Also, what you can change to make yours more noticeable like the décor.


4. start-up money


You have chosen your niche and location.

The next step is getting capital to fund your business.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


Some lucky business owners have their own money.

But, start-ups need assistance.

You could contact halal companies to fund and get a small profit from your business.


5. Getting a supplier


You have the option of having individual suppliers for different goods or one supplier for all your requirements.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

It all lies with your decision.



Different suppliers for different goods are cheaper than having all of them from one supplier.

But tended to be of better quality, so the choice is entirely up to you.

6. Equipment installations


Get a company to do your installations for you.

Spending a lot on equipment and the best installers make maintaining them easier.

They won’t get faulty fast, saving money you would use on maintenance in the future.


7. Licenses and regulations


For any new business, you need to have licenses in your operations.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.

If you are starting with a shop that was initially operated on, you need to have a permit from the previous owners.

Make sure you get the required licenses from the right office prior to your launch.


8. Staffing


Human resource is the most important factor in business.

This is because they run the operations. So when choosing your staff, make sure they are qualified for the position and can handle the equipment well.

They need to be patient and can serve customers with respect.


9. Timing


The timing here refers to hours of operation.

This depends on where the restaurant is situated.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


If it is near a corporate office, it should be open before 8 AM for their morning coffee.

Also, evening as they grab something when going home.


10. Pricing


Pricing depends on people in the location of your restaurant.

If it is in the upmarket of part of the city, then the prices will be slightly higher than the prices in the lower-income region.

So you have to choose where to set up your business.


11. Marketing strategies


You have your niche and already have a location and permits.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


And the business is almost running, but you have not reached more people.



You need to invest promoting and marketing your takeaway business.


12. Practice test


Before you go out and start selling your food to the public.

You need to have it tested by your close friends and family for their honest opinion.

Then you work from their suggestions to make the food better for everyone.


13. Secure your business


After your takeaway business is established.

You need to go out and secure it from others.

Protect it from people who would want to steal your business idea.

14. Trademarking


This involves making your halal takeaway business name a brand.

It is about reducing competition and copyright everything.

Creating a trademark means that, you have to come up with a logo and a branded name which is unique from others.


15. Consider importation and exportation taxes


When trading with members of the European Union, the UK have to pay taxations to bring things in or to sell them out.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


Which is a difficult for the nation because taxes do hinder trade.

Custom service has changed because of Brexit, which introduced new taxes to businesses.


16. Joining support groups


Find out about a new takeaway business start-up and have meeting with founders.

Where you can share your experiences together, information or tips for success.

17. Help from commercial agencies


When choosing your location, you can opt to hire a commercial agent.

They will scout the best areas you can start up your business.



Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


Also, they will know which areas are most lucrative for a takeaway business.

Finally, some can help you get permits.

18. Consider expanding outside


Once your business is up and running.

You should consider opening up other branches as a franchise.


19. Write an effective business plan


A business plan is basically what you plan to achieve between the planning processes when the restaurant opens.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


It gives a summary of what you want to do and what you have made out of those you planned.

It is like your own personal checklist, which keeps you in line.


20. Social media marketing


Although we have discussed marketing strategies.

Social media should be a topic on its own.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.

You should use social media to market your new restaurant.

It will help reach more people in your local area get quick feedback.

People can make your business popular through social media.


21. Menu writing


A menu is all the meals a restaurant offers.

A good menu should have a variety of foods to choose from.

It should also be segmented in that you have halal breakfast, main courses, drinks, kid’s meals and so on.


22. Care for employees


Give them a good salary and a place that is conducive to their productivity.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.

Encourage brainstorming and team-building exercises.

Always motivate them and congratulate on good work done.


23. Plan for the grand opening


This is where you get to show off everything you have been planning.

Make it a success by delivering on everything you promised on your advertisements.

If the grand opening is a success, then your takeaway business is bound to succeed too.



Frequently Asked Questions About Takeaway Business


Below are the common questions about takeaway business:


What is a takeaway business?


Halal takeaway business is a restaurant or shop that prepares food for the go.

You can order your meal and have it delivered at home.

Also, you can either go to the restaurant to pick your meal or eat it from there.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


It all depends on your choices.

But, the reality is that, the food is ready for you, without having prepare in your home kitchen.


Is takeaway food business profitable?


Absolutely, the takeaway industry is lucrative and flourishing because people are staying at home.

“The total foodservice delivery market was worth around 8.5 billion British pounds in 2019, largely thanks to the rise of online delivery concepts.” Source Statista.

Takeaway saves a lot of time and energy trying to cook meals after a busy day work.

From information available, the takeaway is a great way to earn a business profit.


Do I need a license to start a takeaway business?


People starting a new food business or an existing one are required to register at least 28 days before trading.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business

However, the registration applies to all businesses that store, sell, distribute or prepare food or drink. 

You should contact your local council or relevant department for application.


What food certification do I need?


Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering certificate is required.

If you prepare and distribute the food yourself.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business

Besides, selling pre-prepared, fresh food (such as ready-to-eat cakes, pies, and other pastries).

It’s recommended you attend Level 2 Food Hygiene Training.


What are halal certified foods?


Halal is basically what is permissible or lawful in traditional Islamic law.

And halal certification is issued by a regulatory body that ensures the food/products meets highest quality.

It ranges from preparation, packaging and handling.


Who needs halal certification?


Anyone who is planning to prepare, distribute and sell food/products targeting Muslims.


Is it hard to get halal certified?


It depends on the country you live and laws regarding halal food products.

In many cases, you will be assessed for meeting halal requirements before being certified halal.


How do I become halal certified?


You can become halal certified after getting approval for your business from the regulatory body.

It implies that, you complied with their standards according to Islamic Shariah.


Is KFC actually halal?


It depends, because not every restaurant serves halal.

KFC serves halal food in some restaurants across the UK.

KFC claimed their chicken is “certified by the Halal Food Authority (HFA).”

I can’t 100% verify or endorse their point of view.

As Muslims, we should not eat food that has been stunned before laughter.

I suggest you make your own independent research into KFC.


Is Wagamama chicken halal?


It is not halal according to the company.

But, there are plenty of vegetarian/seafood or fish options.

Ask staff members whether cooking utensils are mixed together?

That way, you will have enough evidence to make your own conclusion.


Is McDonalds Haram?


McDonalds stated their restaurants are not certified halal.

I like their honesty and clarity for Muslims.

So, you should not anticipate anything to be halal.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business


“We have, in fact, conducted a Halal trial in a restaurant in Southall.

We learnt that Halal certified food is popular with only a very small percentage of our customers.

And to offer it in all our restaurants would require significant changes to our kitchen procedures and supply chain.

As a result, we decided against offering Halal food in the U.K. for the time being.” Source McDonalds


Is Dominos halal?


It is not halal.

“While we no longer have any halal stores, all our chicken, with the exception of our chicken wings, is halal slaughtered.

We would like to reassure customers that all our chicken is stunned and we take our responsibility to animal welfare very seriously.

None of our other meats are halal.” Source: Dominos


Is Pizza Hut meat halal?


None of the food served at Pizza Hut in the UK and Ireland is halal certified. Source: Pizza Hut

If you live outside these countries, check with your local Pizza Hut.


Is Uber eats halal?


It depends on the area you live and not all foods are 100% halal.

Some restaurants in London are halal and others do not serve halal. Source: Ubereats.


Does five guys have halal?


Five Guys in the UK is not halal.

Five guys also have no intention in going Halal.

Source: Five guys.


Common (4) takeaway business owners mistakes


Takeaway business mistakes everyone makes and how to avoid solve them:


Not investing in a website mistake:


Nearly 99% of takeaway business owners have no website for their business.

Some pay food delivery companies for a website monthly subscription.


Start a halal food takeaway business.
Start a halal food takeaway business.


That’s a terrible idea!

Food delivery companies have access to all your customers.

They have full control and can remove your business at anytime.

I suggest you register a new business website domain and hosting.

A domain is the name of your business like


Failure investing in Theme Page Builder:


Takeaway business owners have some of the worst and ugliest websites online.

If you can’t invest in a website, why start a business?

Envato has the best Page Builders in the world.

It’s absolutely beautiful for a takeaway business and very cheap too.

You get the nice templates and professional look for your takeaway business.

I highly recommend you invest in the Theme Builder and attract your competitor’s clients.


Not investing in Email Marketing:


Here’s a secret nobody is telling you!

Food delivery companies are using email marketing to send offers to your own customers.

They make more money through email at your expense.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business


Getresponse is the best platform to join and start building your customers list.

You can email customers discount deals, increase sales and profits.


Not hiring top rated website designer:


Takeaway business owners get their websites designed by amateurs.

Why do they hire bad designers?

The reason is because of the cheaper price.

I recommended you hire top rated website designer.

They will build your website domain using WordPress Theme.


How To Get Local Customers Into Your Takeaway Business


For takeaway businesses, getting clients proves to be a problem, because of fierce competition.

Below are ways to get clients:


Word of mouth works wonders


You have come across takeaway businesses that are known to be the best at the goods or services they offer.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business


For instance, if you ask around where can I get the best fish and chips?

Everyone will direct you to Timmy’s Corner Shop.

This is how powerful word of mouth is.

For entrepreneurs running local businesses.

Your goal should be to satisfy the needs of every client that walks through those doors.

To achieve this, you will need to offer quality at the best price possible and excellent customer service.

These satisfied customers will always refer their friends and relatives to your business.

They will act as your foot soldiers who will go around promoting your brand for free.


Give out something for free


Who doesn’t love free stuff?

Giving out some of your products or services for free is one of the best local business marketing strategies.

It introduces you to the market as a new business.

And it also creates an opportunity for potential customers to try your products.

Finally, it builds your relationship with clients.

Most people will definitely come back after getting free products.


Offer discounts and amazing deals


Discounts helps you get customers from your locality.

But, from even other parts of the country.


Start a halal bakery business.
start a halal takeaway business


Similar to free stuff, customers usually see discounts as a way of saving money.

Through discounts, you will also remain ahead of your competition.

There isn’t a single client who would buy a product at a higher price, when available at a lower price.


Host local contests


A local contests brings people together in a neighbourhood.

This creates an opportunity for people to interact with your takeaway business as they compete to win a prize.

You can be assured that after this contest, you will have lots of clients.


Get your takeaway business into local directories


Whether it is Yahoo Local, Bing Places, or Google Places, getting listed in local directories puts your business at

a higher advantage.

It isn’t only a free marketing strategy but puts your business out there.

It also makes it easier for your clients to discover business.


Hop on Instagram


Instagram has become a popular marketing tool in the past few years.

If you are looking to get customers into your takeaway business, you should consider creating Instagram account.

You can interact with clients, get followers and raving fans for your business.


Distribute flyers


Though it is among the tried and tested methods of marketing.

Flyers are very effective way to promote your takeaway business.

You can create beautiful flyers and have them distributed locally and get new clients.


Volunteer in community projects


You can volunteer, and get free publicity and exposure for your takeaway business.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business


For example, you participate in local activities at the mosque, school, hospital and library.

And the community will appreciate your efforts with continuous customer loyalty.


Get local news coverage


Nurturing strong relationships with your local media can get you lots of airtime on TV, Radio, and Print.

You can play the role of a public relations officer and write press releases.

Getting featured on local news builds credibility and help you attract customers.


Participate in trade shows


In your city, there are probably trade shows that occur at least once a year.

Attending trade shows is an opportunity to meet lots of clients.

You can entice them to become regulars at your store.

Also, you will learn marketing ideas from other takeaway owners.


Sell door to door


If it’s hard for you to get customers, door to door selling is an effective local business marketing strategy.


start a halal  takeaway business
start a halal takeaway business


Though time-consuming and requires a lot of labour work, you can reach out to many clients and convince them to buy a product from you.


Build a website


Get a website for your takeaway business and have an online presence.

Buyers nowadays are preferring to buy commodities online.

Therefore, with a website, customers will be able to browse your products and even order them online.

You should consider having a delivery team.




In this blog, we talked about ways to build a profitable halal takeaway business.

This can be a very good business by following the strategies outlined.

Now that you have these tips, what are you going to do?


I suggest you also download this free business report here.



More Blog Articles To Read:


17 Best Tips: How To Make A Halal Business Plan

9 Best Tips: How To Become A Self Employed Muslim

1000+ Most Profitable Halal Business Ideas For Muslims

Mr Ceesay
Mr Ceesay
Foday Ceesay is the founder of Muslim Entrepreneurs Hub part of F Ceesay Digital Limited Company. He's also a Muslim Content Writer for Entrepreneurs, B2B and B2C. Foday is based in the United Kingdom. Have a question or need help? Contact Email:

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