Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHalal Small Business19 Best Tips: How Do I start My Own Halal Small business

19 Best Tips: How Do I start My Own Halal Small business

Halal small business start-up can be a scary investment for some Muslims.

Can you make a halal small business successful?

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Things can go wrong and many halal small businesses never reach the five year mark!


Warning: Do not skip anything!


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In this post, I’ll guide you to quickly launch your own small business this week.


Halal Home Business Halal Home Biz


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Best Business Building Tools Start A Halal Small Business:


Let’s get these tools to kick-start your business.


My Free Business Report:


Read this report and it will make your life and business easier! is the perfect company to get your web hosting and domain website name.



You can use the free AI website builder to quickly launch a passive income side business.


BrandCloud Logo Maker:


You can create nice Logos for your small business with BrandCloud.



It is one of the must have AI Logo maker for Muslim entrepreneurs.



You should consider using WeVideo AI to create and edit videos for your small business marketing.



You can upload the videos to YouTube and get subscribers.


Step By Step Guide To Start A Halal Small Business


I ‘ll streamline 19 best tips to start a profitable halal small business:


1. Choose a niche


Find a niche or industry for your new business.

You need to identify a market that is large with more buyers.


How do I start my own halal small business


2. Get a halal small business website/blog


A halal small business should have a website/Blog.

You need to buy a domain for your halal small business.


How do I start my own halal small business


Domain is the name of your business website/Blog.

Also, you would need a hosting to have your Website/Blog online.

Seek the best hosting companies for a halal small business.

WordPress is open-source platform that powers most Websites/Blogs online.


3. Install a WordPress Theme


Next is to install a WordPress Theme after getting your domain and hosting.

A Theme helps you to make your website/blog look more professional.


How do I start my own halal small business


You can add various elements, design and colours for your halal small business.


4. Hire a website designer


It’s time to hire top-rated website designer.

A website designer can build your site on a budget.

You can save money by using 99 Designs experts.




5. Email marketing tools.


Email marketing tool is required to build your list.

You can capture clients name and their emails at your website/blog.


Goal-oriented email templates


The most successful online marketers all have email list.

Getresponse is the recommended company to help you build an email list.



Hint: The money is in the email list because you can send promotional offers to subscribers.


6. Halal small business plan


Successful small business owners always make a plan.

You should also devise a business plan.


How do I start my own halal small business
How do I start my own halal small business


A business plan helps you to go from point A to B faster.

You can create small business plan and grow a profitable business.


7. Create social media account.


Communicating with your customers is crucial for halal small businesses.

A great way to talk with your customers is through Tailwind social media.



Then, if your customers follow, you can post discount deals.

Social media is really useful for small business owners.


8. Stay positive.


When you start a halal small business, things can get competitive in the market.

If you think you are going to fail, you are!


How do I start my own halal small business
How do I start my own halal small business


But if you think positively and take action you can build a profitable business.  

This has been proven successful time and time again.


9. Interact with customers.


You need to build a good relationship and trust with your clients.

Sending out hand-written thank you notes when they make a higher purchase.



How do I start my own halal small business
How do I start my own halal small business


This shows the customer that you care about them.

The customer will feel happy and become a regular buyer. 


10. Quality service for a reasonable price.


Make sure your small business has prices that are reasonable.

You should always deliver quality services in your business.

A poor service will hurt your business growth.

Once you go out of your way helping clients, it is easier to grow. 


 11. Focus on deadlines


Have a deadline in place using milestones.

You can achieve a lot within a specified deadline.



How do I start my own halal small business
How do I start my own halal small business

As a small business owner, you have to stay on top of your deadlines.

You need to stay focused at all times and build a thriving business.


12. Register your business


Start your small business registration with ZenBusiness.


Find from your State and Federal business departments in your country.

You must not get started without obtaining a business registration.



13. Open a business bank account


Get a new business account for your halal small business.

Separate your personal account from your business.

Choose a bank with a good reputation and online service.

You need to run your business 24/7 online and offline.


14. Put the customer first.


A business owner should have empathy, patience and friendly with their customers.

You need to listen to customers and help them solve problems.

Prioritise your customers and render exceptional quality of service.

That way, they will share positive news about your business to others.

 Also, hire people and train them to serve your clients with distinction.


15. Set your business for taxes


It is vital that, you file your business taxes on time.

Taxes helps the government to function and meet its obligations.

Failure to file taxes is a prison offence in most countries.


16. Get an accountant


As a new small business owner, you need an accountant.

Ask referrals when looking for a good accountant.

This way, they can handle your bookkeeping as well as filing taxes.


17. Invest in tech and equipment


This is a small business, and you should consider investing in tech and equipment.

A lot of beginner entrepreneurs like to cut corners in their business.


How do I start my own halal small business

How do I start my own halal small business


In fact, some small business owners never embrace technology.

The world is changing, and tech is at the heart of every business.

I suggest you invest in relevant technology and equipment.


18. Network with people.


Find a support group in your industry or niche.

You should join them and try to be helpful.


How do I start my own halal small business
How do I start my own halal small business


The best place to network is at your local chamber of commerce.

You can search Facebook Groups in your niche and sign up.


19. Licenses


In your halal small business, check whether you need to apply for certain licenses and get it.


Small business tips

There are professions that require licenses.

Talk to business owners in your niche for support and advice.

Make sure you obtain all licenses required to kick-start your business.


Frequently Asked Questions Halal Small Business:


Here are some of the questions:


What is a halal small business?


Halal small business is a Muslim business that serves people without any prohibited items.

In nutshell, everything is halal based on a win-win and trust.

There is no selling of alcohol, pork, gambling or haram products.


Is it profitable to start a halal small business?


Yes. Halal small business can be profitable for Muslims.

It also depends on the time invested, dedication to work, money and your business experience.

To improve your business success.

It is always recommended to get a mentor or take apprenticeship.


What are the best halal small business to start with little money?


The best halal small business to start are affiliate marketing, blogging, podcasting, email marketing, consulting and online courses.




Starting a halal small business is the key to your financial independence.

But building a thriving business requires hard work, patience and perseverance.

You should invest in yourself by starting a website/blog.

Most people waste their own time by working and making others wealthy.

It’s high time you start implementing your business idea into action.


Additional Awesome Articles To Read.


How To Start A Halal Digital Marketing Business

1000+ Most Profitable Halal Business Ideas For Muslims


Mr Ceesay
Mr Ceesay
Foday Ceesay is the founder of Muslim Entrepreneurs Hub part of F Ceesay Digital Limited Company. He's also a Muslim Content Writer for Entrepreneurs, B2B and B2C. Foday is based in the United Kingdom. Have a question or need help? Contact Email:


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